a house with a for sale sign in front of it

Landscaping For Realtors

In the world of real estate, potential buyers love to judge a house by its cover—or in this case, its landscaping. Appearance can be everything, and a crucial part of the selling process is ensuring that the property looks as attractive as possible. Poor curb appeal can cause people to dismiss a listing before they ever step inside. 

Unlike most home improvement projects, landscaping can provide up to an above 100% return on investment, making it an easy sell. In fact, proper execution typically increases a property’s value by as much as 15%. Simply adding the word “landscaping” to a listing description can inflate the sale price. Unsurprisingly, yard care services play a fundamental role, with 91% of top agents recommending that homeowners utilize them before putting up their homes.

Landscaping For Resale Value

Landscaping for resale can differ from general designs because it must appeal to as many people as possible rather than incorporate personal style. When it comes to a home’s perceived value, the three most impactful landscaping components are design, plant size, and plant type. Lawn improvements are the easiest and most cost-effective way to increase a home’s marketability. For example, simply sprucing up the place by trimming overgrowth and removing dead branches and other debris can substantially change how a potential buyer remembers the property.

Landscaping is particularly valuable as a gift that keeps on giving. Instead of depreciating, vegetative elements grow and continue to show their worth. As time passes, they become even more beautiful, and, unlike indoor décor, they don’t fall out of style. The ease of maintenance is another factor to keep in mind. Most buyers don’t want to invest in a place with challenging or time-consuming upkeep, no matter how nice it looks. Thus, complex features or exotic plants may not be worth the investment. Instead, stick to vertical flower boxes and native vegetation to add color and artistry.

Just like inside the home, the outdoor space should be neat and staged. However, keep in mind that a bit of minimalism can go a long way. Though buyers are indeed attracted to visually appealing elements, they must also be able to envision their belongings in the space. Therefore, the best landscaping for resale is simple yet sophisticated. In this day and age, new buyers value function. Outdoor spaces should not just look nice; they need to serve a purpose. Accordingly, the most popular additions include outdoor entertainment spaces since they are as useful as they are attractive. Effectively, it is like adding square footage. The goal is to present potential buyers with as many spaces as possible to imagine themselves living comfortably.

Professional Landscaping for Realtors in East Aurora

To sell a property easier and for maximum value present buyers with an impressive front. Hiring a professional landscaping company like Aurora Lawn Services is the key to making a fantastic first impression. Our team is highly experienced and knowledgeable regarding specific techniques and designs for selling homes. Contact us today to learn about our landscaping services for realtors.

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